Alejandro Leal
Analyst at KuppingerCole Analysts
Dana Gardner
Founder and Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions
Warwick Ashford
Senior Analyst at KuppingerCole Analysts AG
David Danto
Director of Emerging Technology at IMCCA
Kevin Petrie
Vice President of Research at BARC
Barry Flack
CEO at BF Consultancy
Christina Stathopoulos
Academic Director at IE Business School
Martin Kuppinger
Founder and Principal Analyst at KuppingerCole
Alexei Balaganski
Lead Analyst and CTO at KuppingerCole Analysts
Osman Celik
Research Analyst at KuppingerCole Analysts AG
Anne Bailey
Senior Analyst at KuppingerCole Analysts
Jonathan Care
Advisor at Lionfish Tech Advisors