Sensei Labs: How to Improve Execution of Your Most Critical Initiatives

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The latest next-gen model for enterprise transformation delivery was recently outlined in Forbes. The new model is called Enterprise Orchestration.

Enterprise Orchestration is quickly emerging as the new proven model for delivery of transformation initiatives, and you can read the Forbes article HERE. It's authored by Jay Goldman, who is a member of the Forbes Technology Council, a NYT best-selling author of The Decoded Company and the Co-Founder and CEO of Sensei Labs.

If you want to learn more about this innovative Enterprise Orchestration model, Jay recently hosted a webinar, discussing this latest trend for what is the next big thing for transformation execution.

Register for the webinar here

In the webinar, Jay goes more in-depth on what he outlined in Forbes, including how the Enterprise Orchestration model aligns with the latest research from Gartner. The webinar also provides examples of transformation success with Enterprise Orchestration and how the Enterprise Orchestration Maturity Model Assessment can provide you insights - specific to your organization - to know your current state of delivery capabilities and the steps to take to evolve to Enterprise Orchestration. 

Calculate your current Enterprise Orchestration Maturity score. Gain insights on your team's capabilities relative to the 10 critical dimensions for successful transformation.

Click here to get more details about the assessment, or to directly book a free 30-min assessment with the CEO.